Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Event 11: 6th Place - Dominick Christiano

$300 + $50 PLO (high)

On a flop of AQ2, Dominick Christiano came over the top of Miami John Cernuto's pot bet, raising another 144k.  Dominick was almost all in, with just 13k behind.

 Dominick Christiano

 John took some time to think about it, then moved in, making Dominick put in the last of his chips.

The hands were tabled
John         A642
Dominick AQ44

Dominick was ahead with top two pair but John had a flush draw with his inferior to pair.

The last two cards came 6 2 and John caught a full house on the river (deuces full of Aces) to take the pot.  Dominick took 6th place and $1,470.