Joanne Dorin (New York, NY) loves to travel. She's been to Greece, Israel, and all over this tournament.
Lots of players in Event 2 have stories to tell with Joanne as a main character. She's either doubling somebody up or devouring their entire stack.
She's currently on the downside of her roller-coaster ride with 80,000 chips. At her peak she had the lead with 190,000. Win or lose Dorin told me she's having a great time.
The bad run began as soon as she was moved to her current table. "I haven't won a hand neighbors are rough on me" said Joanne.
She plans on playing a couple more Borgata Winter Poker Open tournaments this week.
When Joanne's not playing poker, she'd rather be shopping.
Who knows, maybe the next table change will change your luck again.