Unofficially the first casualty has been found. It was at the hand of software engineer John Morales III (Union City, NJ) who raised 5,000 pre-flop with pocket kings.
A harmless flop of 10-3-3 didn't scare John or John's opponent who was posturing. John - "Your queens are no good." Opponent thought otherwise and jammed the rest of his stack. Sorry pal, no re-buys in this tournament.
Morales' Kings held up, giving him a healthy early stack.
A harmless flop of 10-3-3 didn't scare John or John's opponent who was posturing. John - "Your queens are no good." Opponent thought otherwise and jammed the rest of his stack. Sorry pal, no re-buys in this tournament.
Morales' Kings held up, giving him a healthy early stack.